Edit a Room Selection Definition

Note: If a Room Selection definition’s Access List is staggered and ordered and includes a Random Lottery, the Access Lists’s order will change each time a ResCenter user re-saves the Access List after viewing or editing it.

Use the following procedure to edit a Room Selection definition:

1.  Select Room Selection from the Web section of the Setup menu.

2.  If necessary, search for a Room Selection definition.

3.  Click Edit next to a Room Selection Definition.

4.  Edit the following information, as necessary:

     Name – Enter the name of the Room Selection definition. This is the name displayed to patrons in the GET mobile app when beginning the room selection process.

     Link Room Selection by Term or Application – Select the term associated with the Form. Terms are defined via Setup > Global > Terms.

Term – Select a term from the drop-down menu. The defined Term determines the housing term for the room selection process.

Terms are defined via Setup > Global > Terms

Application - Select an application from the drop-down menu. The defined Application must be completed by patrons with access to the room selection. The Application’s associated Term will be used to define the Term for the Room Selection definition.

Applications are defined via Setup > Web > Forms.

     Select Assignment Criteria – Select an Assignment Batch to specify which patrons will have access to this room selection. An Assignment Batch defines patrons by attributes and defined values.

     First Date Available – Enter or select the date and time the Room Selection process is first available for patrons to access.

     Last Date Available – Enter or select the date and time when the Room Selection process is no longer available for patrons to access.

5.  Click Next Step to save the Room Selection definition and proceed to Add an Access List. Refer to the Create a Room Selection Definition section for more information about editing each step of the process.