Create a Room Selection Definition

1.  Select Room Selection from the Web section of the Setup menu.

2.  Click Create Room Selection. The Create Room Select Definition step is displayed.

3.  Complete the following information:

     Name – Enter the name of the Room Selection definition. This is the name displayed to patrons in the GET mobile app when beginning the room selection process.

     Link Room Selection to Application or Term – Select the Application or Term associated with the Form.

Term – Select a Term from the drop-down menu. The defined Term determines the housing term for the room selection process.

Terms are defined via Setup > Global > Terms

Application - Select an application from the drop-down menu. The defined Application must be completed by patrons with access to the room selection. The Application’s associated Term will be used to define the Term for the Room Selection definition.

Applications are defined via Setup > Web > Forms.

     Select Assignment Criteria – Select an Assignment Batch to specify which patrons will have access to this room selection. An Assignment Batch defines patrons by attributes and defined values. Only Must Occur or Must Not Occur criteria will be used for Room Selection.

Assignment Batches are defined via Patron > Automatic Assignment.

     First Date Available – Enter or select the date and time the Room Selection process is first available for patrons to access.

     Last Date Available – Enter or select the date and time when the Room Selection process is no longer available for patrons to access.

     Allow Patrons to Reassign Themselves – Select either Yes or No to define whether a patron can perform a Room Selection again after they already have an assignment. This option will be set to No, by default.

If set to Yes, a Patron can perform another Room Selection only if their assignment status is Preliminary. In this scenario, the Room Selection option will remain available in the Housing section of the GET mobile app.

If a patron receives an assignment through a method other than Room Selection (such as a Manual Assignment, an Automatic Assignment, or a Copy Assignment Task), and the Allow Patrons to Reassign Themselves option is set to Yes, then the Patron may complete a Room Selection and assign themselves to another facility.

4.  Click Next Step to save the Room Selection definition and proceed to Add an Access List.