Print an Attendee Bill

After completing an Attendee Group Contract, conference managers can print an Attendee Bill which outlines “per attendee” and “per assignment” charge items.

Note: Conference Managers can also print an Attendee Bill from the Attendees Grid. It is also possible to Print Attendee Bills for all attendees in an Attendee Group Contract via the Attendee Group Contract Grid.

Use the following procedure to print a bill for an attendee:

1.  Select Attendee Account from the Conferences menu. The Attendee Account page is displayed.

2.  Select the event that the attendee is associated with by using the *Event name drop-down menu.

3.  Use the Attendee - Find By drop-down menu to search by name, ID number, or alternate ID number and enter the appropriate search value in the field provided.

4.  Click Lookup.

If more than one search result is returned, select an attendee from the search results window.

5.  Click the Print Bill button. The Attendee Bill will appear as a .pdf in a separate web browser window.

6.  Once the Attendee Bill appears, you can use your .pdf viewer’s controls to print or save the bill.