Manually Apply a Payment

Use the following procedure to apply a payment that has already been entered and posted. To enter a payment and immediately apply it to a charge, use the New Payment with Distribution option.

1.  From the Patron menu, select Search for Patron and perform a search for a patron.

2.  From the Patron List grid, click a row to select a patron.

3.  Select the FT tab. The Accounts grid displays all accounts associated with the patron. Refer to the Accounts Grid Overview for information about each grid column.

4.  To view transactions for an account, check the check box next to the desired account. Multiple accounts can be selected. Alternatively, click the header row check box to view transaction details for all accounts.

5.  If necessary, filter the Financial Transactions grid.

6.  In the Financial Transactions grid, click View Transaction next to a transaction. The Transaction: #ID page will be displayed.

7.  Click the Apply drop-down menu and select Manual. An Apply pop-up window will be displayed.

In the Apply window, a grid will be displayed with the following information:

     Date – Date and time of the charge transaction.

     ID – Transaction ID number of the charge.

     Amount – Total amount of the charge.

     Unapplied – Amount of the charge that is not yet applied.

     Code – The transaction code associated with the charge.

     Term – The housing term associated with the transaction.

     Apply – Amount to be applied to the charge.

8.  By default, ResCenter displays only open transactions in the same Payment account. To select a charge from another account, uncheck the Show open items for this Account only check box.

9.  For the charge in which to apply a payment, click in the Apply column of the charge. Enter the amount to apply. An amount can be added to multiple charges, if necessary.

10. Click Save.

The amount applied will be indicated in the Transaction Links section at the bottom of the Transaction page.