Add a New Payment with Distribution

Adding a New Payment with Distribution allows a user to perform multiple financial transactions in one step. This process could include making a payment and then applying it to existing charges or transferring the payment to a deposit account.

Use the following procedure to create a new financial Payment with Distribution for a patron:

1.  From the Patron menu, select Search for Patron and perform a search for a patron.

2.  From the Patron List grid, click a row to select a patron.

3.  Select the FT tab. The Accounts grid displays all accounts associated with the patron. Refer to the Accounts Grid Overview for information about each grid column.

4.  In the Financial Transaction grid, click the Transaction drop-down menu, and select New Payment with Distribution. The Payment with Distribution page is displayed.

5.  By default, the current patron’s ID number and name will be entered in the Patron ID and Patron Name fields, respectively. To select a different patron to associate with the payment, enter all or part of the patron’s last name or ID number in the Patron ID field and click Search

6.  From the Transaction Code drop-down menu, select a Transaction Code to associate with the transaction.

7.  Enter the amount of the transaction in the Amount field.

8.  If necessary, use the Term drop-down menu to select a term to associate with the transaction. There are a few ways associating a term with a financial transaction can benefit users:

     When applying payments through the Apply Financial Transaction batch function or task, the function only applies payments to charges which occurred in the same term. 

     Using Advanced Find, transactions can be filtered by housing term. 

     Some reports, such as the Totals by Transaction Type, Totals by Transaction Type-Detail, and Account Transaction List by Patron Name allow a user to select report information by term. 

Note: Some of these actions may only be available in Odyssey HMS.

9.  Select a Payment Method for the payment.

If Credit Card is selected, select a Card Type from the drop-down menu.

For Check or Credit Card Payment Methods, enter the name of the Remitter, if necessary.

10. If necessary, enter any other details about the transaction in the Comments field.

11. To apply all or part of the payment to a charge, select Manually Apply next to a charge in the Open Charges grid:

     Select a Transfer In Code.

     Select the Amount to Apply to the Charge. The amount cannot exceed the value in the Remaining Payment field.

     If necessary, select a Term.

     If necessary, enter any Comments about the transaction.

Click Save. The Open Charges grid will be updated with the Amount to Apply field populated. If necessary, the amount can be cleared by clicking Clear Apply next to the charge.

12. Alternatively, click Auto Apply in the Open Charges grid to automatically apply the payment to any open charges.

In the pop-up window, select the accounts to which the payment should be automatically applied.

Click Save. The Open Charges grid will be updated with the Amount to Apply field populated. If necessary, the amount can be cleared by clicking Clear Apply next to the charge.

13. To transfer all or part of the payment to another account, select New Credit/Deposit in the Transfers grid:

     Select a Payment Transfer Out Code.

     Select the Destination Account of the transfer.

     Select a Transfer In Code.

     Select the Amount to transfer. By default, the full amount of the payment will be entered.

     If necessary, select a Term.

     If necessary, enter any Comments about the transaction.

Click Save. The Transfers grid will be updated with the Transfer Amount field populated. From the Transfers Grid, the transfer can be copied, edited, or deleted.

14. Click Save. After saving, the transaction’s Transaction ID and Transaction Source fields will be auto-filled.

15. To exit the New Payment with Distribution page, click Cancel.

Alternatively, click New to add a New Transaction, New Transfer, New Payment, or Copy to New Transaction.