Lottery Batches Grid Overview

The following table lists information about the columns and options that appear in the Lottery Batches grid on the Room Selection Lottery page (accessed via the Web section of the Setup menu):



Batch Name

Name given to the batch upon adding the batch. This name must be unique.


The web application function associated with the batch. Lottery numbers are calculated for all members of a group associated with the specified application.


The following Status values are possible:

     Run – Clicking the Run link runs a lottery batch.

     Get Results – The Get Results link appears after a batch has run. Clicking the link downloads the lottery batch results.

     Clear – The Clear link deletes the log file. This link only appears when clicking Edit after a batch has been run.

Points Attribute

When a lottery batch is run, each patron’s lottery value is written to the numeric patron attribute identified by this column.

College Attribute Value

The drop-down list for editing and adding this value will contain the list values for the Lottery Facility Attribute system parameter (refer to the Lottery Configuration section). The value specified for a batch determines how a patron’s facility assignments are matched with a facility, which can result in additional points.

For undergraduates only, the lottery batch point distribution accounts for the history of a patron’s facility assignments. If a patron’s facility has the Lottery Facility Attribute within the start and end date of the contract, and the value of the attribute matches the value selected in this column, the patron will be considered to have one year’s worth of residence in the facility. Consecutive years, starting with the date on which the batch is run, are added to the total years.

College Points

The number of points awarded to a patron for each year of the patron’s residence in the facility that matches the College Attribute Value.

Family Points

For graduate students, this is the number of points awarded for having a family.



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Click the First Page, Previous Page, Next Page, or Last Page arrows to navigate the pages of the grid.


Click Add Type to add a lottery batch.


Click Edit next to a lottery batch to make changes to the batch.


Click Delete next to a lottery batch to delete the batch.


Click Rules next to a lottery batch to edit the rules for the batch.


Click Save next to a lottery batch to save a newly-added batch.


Click Update next to a lottery batch to save changes to a batch in Edit mode.