Export Ranked Assignment Results

After a Ranked Assignment batch has been run, the results can be exported to various file formats.

Use the following procedure to export ranked assignment results from the Ranked Assignments Results tab of the Automatic Assignment page:

1.  Select Automatic Assignment from the Assignment section of the Patron menu. The List of Assignment Batches grid is displayed in the Search tab on the Automatic Assignment page.

2.  If necessary, search for an assignment batch.

3.  Click Select on the desired ranked assignment batch, and then select the Ranked Assignments Results tab. The Candidates Results tables, Building Summary tables, and Candidates Rank Breakdown charts are displayed.

4.  If necessary, adjust the number of records displayed per page in either the Candidates grid or Results Summary grid by clicking Alter Page Size. Enter the number of rows to display in the Page Size field and click Save.

5.  For the Candidates Results or Building Summary tables, click the Export to button to display the following options:

     Click Export to CSV to save the results as a CSV text, with each field separated by a comma. This file is viewable in a spreadsheet program or a text editor.

     Click Export to Excel to save the results as a Microsoft Excel file.

     Click Export to Word to save the results as a Microsoft Word file.

     Click Export to PDF to save the results as an Adobe PDF file.

6.  For the Candidates Rank Breakdown charts, click the Export PDF button to save the results as an Adobe PDF file.