Events Grid Overview

The following table lists information about the columns and options that appear in the Events grid on the Events page.



Start Date

Start date of the event

End Date

End date of the event

Event Name

Name of the event


Status of the event (for example, Confirmed, Requested). Event statuses are defined in the Event Statuses option.

Assigned To

The staff member associated with the event


Organization sponsoring the event

In Use

Indicates with a Yes or No if the event is in use



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Click the First Page, Previous Page, Next Page, or Last Page arrows to navigate the pages of the grid.


Click Add to add an event.

Show Search Criteria

Click Show Search Criteria to display the Search Criteria options in order to search for specific events.

Alter Display

Click Alter Display to define the columns, sort, and number of rows to display in the grid. Click Restore Default in the Change display on the grid window to restore the display to the default settings.


Click View to edit or view an event.


Click Copy to copy an event.


Click Delete to delete an event. The Delete option is available only if the event is not in use.