Edit an Inventory Template

Use the following procedure to edit an inventory template:

1.  Select Room Inspection > Inventory > Inventory Templates from the Setup > Maintenance menu. The Inventory Templates page is displayed.

2.  Search for the template that you want to modify.

3.  Click Select in the Inventory Templates grid next to the appropriate template. The View Inventory Template page is displayed.

4.  Click Edit at the top of the page. The Modify Inventory Template page is displayed.

5.  Enter the appropriate changes in the fields provided.

     *Name: Modify the template name.

     Active: Select or clear this check box to specify whether the template is active.

     Common area template (use for child facility inventory): Select or clear this check box to specify whether the template you are adding is a common area template.

When a template with this check box selected is assigned to a facility, it indicates that inventory is not expected to be generated on this facility level. Instead, it will be generated on a lower facility level and items from this facility will be included with each lower level inventory.

Note: If a room serves as a lowest inspection level, its template should not be a Common Area Template.

6.  Click Set Display Order to change the display order of the template, if necessary.

7.  Click Save. The Inventory template successfully updated message is displayed.

8.  Click Close to return to the Inventory Templates page.