Edit an Inventory Item

Use the following procedure to edit an inventory item:

1.  Select Room Inspection > Inventory > Inventory Items from the Setup > Maintenance menu. The Inventory Items page is displayed.

2.  Click Edit next to the inventory item that you want to modify. The row becomes editable.

3.  Enter the appropriate changes in the fields provided.

     *Name: Modify the item display name.

     Default Type: If necessary, select a default type from the drop-down list.

     Active: Check the Active check box to make the inventory item active. An active inventory item can be added to an inventory template.

Note: The In Use column provides information about whether the inventory item is used in one or more inventory templates.

4.  An inventory item’s conditions can have default associated costs. Such costs may be necessary to replace, repair, or upgrade an inventory item that is not in acceptable condition. For example: If a Chair’s fabric is in Poor condition, it may need to be reupholstered. The costs required for upholstery—such as fabric, hardware, and labor—can be added. 

Use the following steps to add costs for each Billable Conditions, as necessary:

     Select a condition from the Billable Conditions drop-down menu.

     In the [condition name] Costs grid, click Add New Charge.

     Enter a Charge Name for the condition. The Charge Name can be the reason for the charge or need for replace/repair/upgrade.

     Enter a dollar amount associated with the Charge Name.

     Click Save.

Note: Only conditions designated Billable (via the Inventory Item Conditions page) will be listed in the Billable Conditions drop-down menu.

5.  Click Update. The Inventory item successfully updated message is displayed.