Edit an Event

Use the following procedure to edit an event from the Events page.

1.  From the Conferences menu, select Events.

2.  Search for an event, if necessary.

3.  From the Events grid, click View next to an event. The View Event page is displayed.

4.  Click Edit and edit the following information, as necessary:

     *Event name: Enter a name for the event.

     *Status: Select a status from the drop-down menu (for example, Confirmed or Completed). Statuses are defined via Setup > Conferences > Event Statuses.

     *Event date range: Enter a date range for the event in the From and to fields.

     Assigned to: Enter the full name of the conference staff person who is responsible for the event. Or use the Lookup option to search for the staff member.

     Comments: If necessary, add any additional information about the event.

5.  Click Save. The Event successfully updated message is displayed.

If necessary, continue by editing attendee groups and specifying the organization sponsoring the event.

A user can export a list of rooms reserved for an event to Microsoft Excel. The list can be provided to the conference organizer to update with attendee information. The attendee information can then be imported.