Edit an Application

Use the following procedure to edit an application from the Applications tab:

1.  From the Patron menu, select Search for Patron and perform a search for the patron for whom you want to edit an application.

2.  From the Patron List grid, click a row to select a patron.

3.  Select the Applications tab.

4.  From the List of Applications grid, click Edit. The Edit Application section displays.

5.  Edit the following information:

     Submitted date – Use the calendar menus to select the date and time the application was submitted. Once the date is selected, the time drop-down menus will automatically default to the current time.

     Accepted date – Use the calendar menus to select the date and time the application was accepted. Once the date is selected, the time drop-down menus will automatically default to the current time.

Note: The Source and Application definition cannot be changed in Edit mode.

6.  Optional: If the application is being canceled or rejected, edit the following options:

     Select a Cancel/Reject date and time from the calendar menus. The fields will default to the current date and time.

     Select the cancel/reject Reason from the drop-down menu. Application cancel/reject reasons are defined in the Application Cancel/Reject Reasons option accessed from Patrons section of the Setup module.

Note: To un-cancel or un-reject an application, delete the Cancel/Reject date and Reason and save the application.

7.  Click Save. The Patron Application successfully updated message is displayed.