Edit a Family Host

When editing a family host, a user can either change the start and end date of the current host relationship (Edit Host), or change the host of the family (Change Host).

Editing a Host

When editing the host’s Start Date or End Date, any active contracts (at the selected End Date) on the host account are changed to a terminated state with an actual End Date of the selected host End Date.

Changing a Host

     If the host is changed, any active contracts (at the selected End Date) from the previous host account are changed into a terminated state with an actual End date.

     When the Move Active Contract Items to New Host option is checked, the previously terminated contracts will be created under the new host’s account with the expected Start and End dates from the initial contract. The contract will be created in the active state and the actual Start date should be the Start date of the new host.

     When the Make Old Host a Family Member of New Host option is checked, the old host will become a family member of the new host.

     When the Change Host process is completed, all the family members of the previous host will be transitioned to the new host and will be displayed in the Family Details table.

Use the following procedure to edit the host of a family from the Family tab of the Patron module:

1.  From the Patron menu, select Search for Patron and perform a search for a patron.

2.  From the Patron List grid, click a row to select a patron.

3.  Select the Family tab.

4.  In the Family grid, a family is represented by its host. Click Edit next to the host. A pop-up window will display.

5.  To simply edit a host, click the Edit Host button, and change the Start Date or End Date.

Alternatively, to change a host, click the Change Host button. Configure the following details:

     Move Active Contract Items to New Host – Refer to the Changing a Host section for more information.

     Make Old Host a Family Member of New Host - Refer to the Changing a Host section for more information. If selected, use the new Relationship drop-down menu to select the previous host’s relationship to the new host.

     For the New Host Name, search for a patron via the Lookup function.

     Enter or select the new host’s Start Date and End Date.

6.  Click Save.