Edit a Check In/Out Time Selection Definition

Use the following procedure to edit a Check In/Out Time Selection:

1.  Select Check In/Out Time Selection from the Web section of the Setup menu.

2.  If necessary, search for a Check In/Out Time Selection definition.

3.  Click Edit next to a Room Selection Definition.

4.  Edit the following information, as necessary:

     Enter the Name of the Time Selection definition. This is the name displayed to patrons in the GET mobile app when viewing or accessing their Check In/Out Time definition.

     Select either Check In or Check Out.

     Select the Term in which the Check In or Check Out will occur.

     Enter or select the First Date Available date and time the Check In or Check Out process is first available for patrons to access.

Note: This is the time the patron is allowed to view possible Check In/Out Times in GET and select a time—not the actual time when a Patron will be Checking In or Out.

     Enter or select the Last Date Available date and time the Check In or Check Out process is no longer available for patrons to access.

Note: This is the time the patron is allowed to view possible Check In/Out Times in GET and select a time—not the actual time when a Patron will be Checking In or Out.

5.  Click Next Step to save the Room Selection definition and proceed to the Time Slot Selection step. Refer to the Create a Check In/Out Time Selection Configuration section for more information about editing each step of the process.