Create a Check In/Out Time Selection Configuration

Use the following procedure to create a Check In/Out Time Selection definition:

Create a Time Selection Definition

Use the Create Time Selection step to define the time window that patrons can view and select Check In or Check Out times.

1.  Select Check In/Out Time Selection from the Web section of the Setup menu.

2.  Click Create Check In/Out Time Selection. The Create Time Selection step is displayed.

3.  Enter the Name of the Time Selection definition. This is the name displayed to patrons in the GET mobile app when viewing or accessing their Check In/Out Time definition.

4.  Select either Check In or Check Out.

5.  Select the Term in which the Check In or Check Out will occur. For a Patron to have access to select a Check In/Out time, the patron must have a housing assignment contract for the defined Term and one of the defined Buildings (in the next step).

6.  Enter or select the First Date Available date and time the Check In or Check Out process is first available for patrons to access.

Note: This is the time the patron is allowed to view possible Check In/Out Times in GET and select a time—not the actual time when a Patron will be Checking In or Out.

7.  Enter or select the Last Date Available date and time the Check In or Check Out process is no longer available for patrons to access.

Note: This is the time the patron is allowed to view possible Check In/Out Times in GET and select a time—not the actual time when a Patron will be Checking In or Out.

8.  Click Next Step to save the Check In/Out definition and proceed to the Time Slot Selection step.

Configure Time Slot Selection

Use the Time Slot Selection step to define the time windows that a patron is eligible to Check In or Out. For a Patron to have access to select a time, the patron must have a housing assignment contract for the defined Term and one of the defined Building.

Note: The Time Slot Selection is the actual time patrons can Check In or Out. This time differs from the time selection defined when creating the Check In/Out Definition in the previous step. That time window defines when patrons have access to view and select a time in the GET app.

1.  Select the Buildings in which patrons will be Checking In or Out.

2.  If necessary, adjust the date/time range patrons will be allowed to Check In or Out:

a.  Click the field to display the calendar control.

b.  Click the first date in the range, and then select a start time.

c.   Click the last date in the range, and then select an end time.

d.  Click outside the calendar control to save the selected date range.

3.  Enter the number of minutes used to stagger the start of each access window for each random group of patrons.

When patron access is staggered, a subset of patrons will only be assigned Check In/Out times during a specific time window. However, the time windows can overlap depending on the amount of time allowed for each group. Staggering uses a random lottery to place the patrons in staggered access groups.

4.  Enter the number of patrons assigned (at random) to each access window group.

5.  Click Next Step to proceed to the Exclusion Times step.

Add Time Selection Exclusions

Use the Exclusion Times step to define any time within the Check In/Out Time Selection window that patrons should not be allowed to Check In or Out.

Time Selection Exclusions can be set for specific days of the week, specific times of the day, or specific date/time ranges. These options can be useful for preventing Check In or Out during a time when the housing office may be closed and thus unavailable to assist patrons—such as on a weekend, during a holiday, or during non-business hours.

Use the following procedure to add an Exclusion to a Check In/Out Time Selection:

1.  Use the calendar menu to select a date/time range to exclude.

Click Add to add an additional date/time range, if necessary. To remove a time range, click Delete.

2.  If necessary, enter a time range to exclude by selecting the start time and end time. No room selection access will begin during this time range for each day of the originally defined access date range.

Click Add to add another time range, if necessary. To remove a time range, click Delete.

3.  If necessary, select the days of the week to exclude. No room selection access will begin on these days during the originally defined access date range.

4.  Click Save.