Delete an Attendee Payment

Use the following procedure to edit an attendee payment:

Note: The same Attendee Payment functionality is also available via an Account link on the Attendees Grid.

1.  Select Attendee Account from the Conferences menu. The Attendee Account page is displayed.

2.  Select the event that the attendee is associated with by using the *Event name drop-down menu.

3.  Use the Attendee - Find By drop-down menu to search by name, ID number, or alternate ID number and enter the appropriate search value in the field provided.

4.  Click Lookup.

5.  If more than one search result is returned, select an attendee from the search results window.

6.  In the List of Payments grid, click Delete next to the desired payment.

A confirmation message is displayed.

7.  Click OK. The Payment successfully deleted message is displayed