Copy an Event

Conference Administrators can copy an existing event and modify it to create a new event. The Copy function includes duplicating information for the event, attendee groups, organization, and contracts. A new event date range and attendee group assignment date range can be added. There is also the option to reserve the same rooms if they are available. Attendees and asset types are not copied.

Use the following procedure to copy an event from the Events page.

1.  From the Conferences menu, select Events.

2.  Search for an event, if necessary.

3.  From the Events grid, click Copy next to the event to copy. The Copy Event page is displayed.

4.  Edit the information in the fields provided for the new event.

     *Event name: This read-only field displays the name and dates of the original event.

     *New event name: Enter a name for the new event.

Note: Copied events cannot have the same name as an existing event. Attempting to save a copied event with an existing event name will result in the error message, “An event with this event name already exists.”

     *Event date range: Enter a date range for the event in the From and to fields.

     *Status: Select a status from the drop-down list (for example, Initial or In Process). Statuses are defined in the Event Statuses option.

     *Attendee groups assignment date: For each attendee group, select the assignment dates and times from the drop-down menus.

     Reserve the same rooms, if available: Select the checkbox for copy the room reservations (if available) from the previous event.

Note: The event will be copied even if one or more rooms cannot be reserved. In this scenario, after saving the event, a message will indicate, “Event copied successfully but not all rooms were reserved.

5.  Click Save. The List of Events page will display with the message “Event copied successfully.”

If necessary, continue by editing attendee groups and specifying the organization sponsoring the event.

Staff members can export a list of rooms reserved for an event to Microsoft Excel. The list can be provided to the conference organizer to update with attendee information. The attendee information can then be imported.