Contract Forms

A Contract Form can be created to display terms, conditions, or charges for a contract. A contract may be for a room assignment, meal plan, or an asset, such as a bike lock rental. A Contract Form presents the necessary information and allows the patron to sign the contract. If a deposit or fee is required, the amount can be defined within the Contract Form, and the patron can pay the amount when submitting the Form via the GET mobile app.

Contract Form Implementation

Configured as a Contract, a Form can present contract information to the patron based on Asset Types used by the patron. The Contract Form displays the necessary information, allows the patron to enter additional information (if necessary), and requires the patron to sign the Contract.

Contract Form Access for Patrons

Patrons access Contract Forms according to Asset Types defined in the last step of the Form creation process. When a patron is assigned an Asset, the Contract associated with the Asset Type can be accessed, completed, and signed by the patron.

In the Housing section of CBORD GET mobile app, when a patron selects a term, all relevant Contract Forms will be displayed. The following Contract Form statuses are possible:

     New - The contract item does not have a signed date or a modified date.

     Submitted - The Contract item has a signed date.

     Pending - The Contract item has a modified date but no signed date.

Contract Form Deposit/Fee Payment

If there is a deposit or fee defined for the Contract form, the patron can pay the required amount when completing the form in the CBORD GET mobile app. After completing all fields and then submitting the form, the patron will be presented with the deposit/fee amount and any pre-saved credit cards to use for the payment. The patron can also add a new card, if necessary.

Note: Credit Card payments are processed by USAePay, CBORD’s e-commerce third-party gateway provider.

The GET mobile app will display a confirmation screen once the payment is successful and the Contract form is submitted. If the payment is not processed successfully, the patron will be returned to the payment screen and can attempt to submit the payment again.

If necessary, when defining the Contract Form requirements, selecting Bypass Deposit/Fee Payment allows defining a subset of patrons (via Attribute Values) that are not required to pay the deposit or fee.