Add Form Requirements - Contracts

After creating a Form definition and adding elements to the Form, the last step in the Form process is adding requirements to the Form.

For Contracts, requirements are set as one or more Asset Types.

For Example: If the Contract Form is created for a parking space rental, then the Parking Space Asset Type should be selected as the requirement.

Note: Requirements must be set for the Form to be accessible to patrons. If an Asset Type requirement is not set, then patrons will NOT have access to the Form.

1.  In the Requirements dialog, select an Asset Group from the drop-down menu.

If necessary, enter the name of an Asset Group to search for the Asset Group. Results will be displayed automatically as text is entered.

Note: Asset Groups and Asset Types are defined in the Financial Transactions module.

2.  Use the second drop-down menu to select the necessary Asset Types. Patrons with a Contract item for these Asset Types in the Form’s defined Term will be allowed access to the Form.

3.  If necessary, select the Bypass Deposit/Fee Payment option to define a subset of patrons that are not required to pay the deposit or fee.

If enabled, select an Attribute and one or more Attribute Values. Patrons with corresponding Attribute Values for the Form’s Term will be not be required to include a fee or payment when they submit the Application Form.

4.  Click Save & Exit.

Alternatively, click No Requirements. The Form will be saved, but patrons will NOT have access to it. Patron requirements can be added later by editing the form definition, saving the Form, and then configuring the Requirements.