Auto-Complete a Resident Room Inspection

The option to automatically complete a resident room inspection is used to close resident room inspections when the resident will not be submitting a room inspection but will be held to the conditions specified by staff. This situation could occur when a resident performs an express check-out or for any reason that the resident is not required to submit an inspection. Alternatively, if the resident will not be held to the staff conditions for the room, the resident room inspection should be canceled.

Resident room inspections can be automatically completed by:

     Manually identifying the resident room inspection through the Auto-complete option.

     Using ResCenter Mobile Express Check-out.

Use the following procedure to auto-complete a resident room inspection from the Resident Room Inspections page accessed from the Inspections section of the Facilities menu:

1.  Click Auto-complete in the grid. The Auto-complete Resident Room Inspection page is displayed.

2.  Enter search criteria in the fields provided.

     *Schedule date: Select From and to dates from the drop-down calendars.

     *Triggered by: Select the event that triggered the room inspection (Move In, Move Out) from the drop-down list.

     *Status: Select the status of the room inspection (Both, Pending, Incomplete) from the drop-down list.

     Location: Click Lookup to select a location

Alternatively, enter a search phrase and click Lookup. The results will display all locations that match the search phrase. Click Clear to remove the search phrase.

     Number of days overdue: Enter the minimum days after the either the schedule date or the trigger date (whichever date is the latest).

3.  Click Search. The resident room inspections that match your search criteria display in the grid.

Note: To remove the search criteria, click Clear.

4.  Click Auto-complete Inspections. The Auto-complete resident room inspection successfully completed message is displayed.

5.  Click Close to return to the Resident Room Inspections page.