Attendee Attributes

This topic provides information about the Attendee Attributes List information in the Microsoft Excel spreadsheet exported using the Export Reserved Rooms option.

Attributes are created and linked to an attribute group in Odyssey HMS. In the System Parameters option in ResCenter, you can select an attribute group from the Other information attribute group drop-down list. The attributes linked to the attribute group you select will be displayed in the Other Information section of the View Attendee page.

In order to populate the attribute fields when attendees are imported, the conference organizer who enters attendee information in the Excel spreadsheet that will be used to import attendee information for an event must include the attribute information in the appropriate columns following the Departure Date column.

The first three rows of the import file (Event Name, Event date range, and Attendee Attribute List) must match the first three rows of the export file. The order that the "other" attributes appear following the Departure Date column must appear in the order in which they appear in the Attendee Attribute List row (row 3). For example, if the attributes in the Attendee Attribute List row are Attribute L, Attribute 12, and Attribute B, the columns that follow the Departure Date column must be in the order of Attribute L, Attribute 12, and Attribute B. If an attribute name in row 3 is invalid or spelled incorrectly, the corresponding attribute's value column will be ignored.

For invalid values for an attribute, the attendee will not get imported and a message will be displayed in the log file. The following messages are examples of the error messages that may be displayed for invalid attribute values:

Unknown failure to add the attendee to the event: [Error Text]

     If an invalid value was entered for a numeric attribute, the Error Text will be: (AttributeID ####) Attribute Value is not Numeric.

     If an invalid value was entered for a Boolean attribute, the Error Text will be: (AttributeID ####) Attribute Value should be Yes or No.

     If an invalid value was entered for an attribute that has a list value, the Error Text will be: (AttributeID ####) Attribute value is not from predefined list of Active Values.