Add Roommate Preferences

Use the  Roommate Preferences option to allow patrons to search for potential roommates and rank them based on preference. Administrators can use these roommate preferences when determining patron housing assignments.

When the  Roommate Preferences section is added to an Application, the administrator must select the specific Requested Roommate definition to appear on the Application Form displayed to the patron.

Note: To add a Roommate Preferences section to an Application Form, a Roommate Preference (with a Requested Roommate Source defined) must be linked to the Term. Preferences are defined via Setup > Global > Preferences).

When a patron uses an Application in GET to request another patron as a roommate, the requested patron will see the request on their Application. The requested patron can then choose to Accept or Deny the request. The original patron will only see a confirmation if the requested patron Accepts the request. If the request is Denied, the original patron will not be notified.

For example: Patron 1 is filling out an application and notices that Patron 2 has requested her as a roommate. Patron 1 can either Accept the request or Deny the request. Alternatively, Patron 1 may do neither and instead search for a new roommate to request. 

Use the following procedure to add a Roommate Preferences section to an Application:

1.  Select the  Roommate Preferences option and drag it to the desired location in the Application.

2.  Hover over the Roommate Preferences section and click Edit to show the configuration options.

     Required – If checked, the patron must complete the Roommate Preferences section of the Application.

     Label – The Label is the name for the Roommate Preferences section displayed on the Application.

     Enable “Other” – If checked, an additional Option, labeled Other, will be added to the list of Options. When a patron selects Other, a blank field is displayed to allow the patron to enter text.

     Preference Rank – The Preference Rank value indicates the number of preferences a patron is required to select.

     Search Options – Select the method patrons will use to search for a roommate. The following options are available:

Exact Match of ID #

Partial Entry of Last and First Name

Partial Preferred First and Last Name

Exact Match of Alternate ID

Partial Match of Email

     Show Options – Select the format of patron names listed in the search results. The following options are available:

Student’s full name (first, middle, last)

Student’s preferred name and last name

Student’s full name (first, middle, last) and DOB

     Read-Only – The Read-Only field should be left unchecked.

3.  Select the Requested Roommate definition that should be displayed on the Application Form (when viewed by a patron) by checking the checkbox next to a definition.

4.  If necessary, drag the Roommate Preferences section to another location in the Application.