Add a Charge Schedule Template

Use the following procedure to add a charge schedule template.

1.  From the Financial Transactions section of the Setup menu, select Billing > Charge/Proration Templates. The Charge Schedule Templates page is displayed.

2.  In the List of Charge Schedule Templates grid, click Add New Charge Schedule. The Add New Charge Schedule Template section is displayed.

3.  Complete any of the following fields for the new charge schedule template, as necessary:

     Name: Enter a name for the charge schedule template.

     Term: Select a term to which the charge schedule template will be linked. A charge schedule may be linked to a term for billing purposes.

If a term is defined for a charge schedule, then term dates determine billing period dates for a contract for all charge schedule types except Charge List. Additionally, all financial transactions are associated with the linked term. This allows institutions to identify transactions for a specific term.

     Holiday Schedule: Select an associated holiday schedule to specify dates that are not included in billing and proration calculations.

Note: Holidays can be defined so that those dates are not included in the calculations for Per Night charges. Holiday dates use midnight as their reference point and define a holiday for that night (similar to how hotels use nights to calculate charges for a stay.)

     Asset Type: Select an associated Asset Type for the charge schedule.

Note: Each asset type can have multiple charge schedules.

     Charge Code: Select the transaction code to categorize the charge associated with the contract item. The Charge Code options are based on the Asset Type selected.

     Credit Code: Select the “transfer in” transaction code to categorize the deposit associated with the contract item. The Credit Code options are based on the Asset Type selected.

     Charge Method: Select the time in which the service usage period is counted (Daily or Nightly). When ResCenter calculates a time period for which to charge or credit, calculations are based on an interval between two dates—either the number of days (Daily) or the number of nights (Nightly).

Example of Daily usage period calculation method:

Term Dates: 08/24/18 - 12/16/18 (115 days)

Holidays: 11/24/18 - 11/26/18 (3 days)

Charge: $1 per day - $112.00 total

Early departure on 11/27/18: Refund $20.00 for 20 days not being used

Early departure on 11/26/18: Refund $20.00 for the same 20 days not being used because 11/26 is a holiday and was not charged initially

Early departure on 11/23/18: Refund $21.00 for 21 days not being used

Early departure on 08/24/18: Refund $111.00; The first day is charged

Example of Nightly usage period calculation method:

Term Dates: 08/24/18 - 12/16/18 (114 nights)

Holidays: 11/24/18 - 11/26/18 (3 nights)

Charge: $1 per night - $111.00 total

Early departure on 11/27/18: Refund $19.00 for 19 nights not being used

Early departure on 11/26/18: Refund $19.00 for the same 19 nights not being used because the night from 11/26 to 11/27 is a holiday night and was not charged initially

Early departure on 11/23/18: Refund $20.00 for 20 nights not being used

Early departure on 08/24/18: Refund $111.00; No nights to charge for

     Schedule Type: Select the type of charge schedule (Single Charge, Charge Per Day/Night, Weekly Charge, Monthly Charge, Charge List, or No Charge). Refer to Charge Schedule Types in the Charge/Prorations Templates section for more information about each option.

     Charge Amount: Enter the amount that this schedule will charge the patron. The amount must correlate with the charge schedule’s type. For instance, if you’ve set up a Weekly charge schedule, enter the weekly charge amount in this field.

     Post: Select the post type for this charge schedule. Most charge schedules include a post type to determine when a generated charge will be posted. All post type options (except Immediately) require running the Post Deferred Transactions task after the charge is generated to post unposted charges. The following options are available:

Immediately: Sets the charge to post at the same date the charge is generated

After Specific Number of Days: Posts the charge on the indicated number of days after the charge is generated.

On Specific Day of Month: Posts on the next occurrence of the specified day of the month. If 31 is entered, charges will always post at the end of the month in which the charge is generated.

At Beginning of month: The charge post date is the first day of the next month from the generated charge date.

At End of Month: The charge post date is the last day of the month in which the charge is generated.

4.  For the Valid Date Range, select the From and To dates to define the date range the charge schedule based on this template can be used.

5.  To enable the charge schedule template to be used, check the Active check box.

6.  Click Save. The Charge Schedule Template successfully added message is displayed.

After a Charge Schedule Template is created, a Proration Schedule Template can be added to it.