Add a Proration Schedule Template

Use the following procedure to add a proration schedule template.

1.  From the Financial Transactions section of the Setup menu, select Billing > Charge/Proration Templates. The Charge Schedule Templates page is displayed.

2.  If necessary, search for a charge schedule template.

3.  Click View next to a charge schedule template. The List of Proration Schedule Templates grid will be displayed.

4.  In the List of Proration Schedule Templates grid, click Add New Proration Schedule Template. The Add New Proration Schedule Template section is displayed.

5.  Complete the following information:

     Name: Enter a name for the proration schedule template.

     Use Term Dates: To automatically set the Valid Date Range to dates that correspond with a term, select a term from the Use Term Dates drop-down menu.

     Valid Date Range: Enter the earliest and latest dates when a proration schedule based on this template can be applied.

     Charge Transaction Code: Select the transaction code used when posting the prorated charge. The transaction code must be linked to the asset type if it can be selected in the proration schedule template.

     Credit Transaction Code: Select the transaction code used when posting the prorated credit. The transaction code must be linked to the asset type if it can be selected in the proration schedule template.

     Proration Is Posted On Generation: When this check box is checked, the credit or charge will be posted as soon as the proration steps are completed. If the check box is not checked, the credit or charge will remain unposted and must be posted manually.

     Ignore Holiday Schedule: A check mark in the Ignore Holiday Schedule check box indicates the proration calculations will be based on the number of dates (based on the proration schedule type), regardless of holidays. For example, if a patron receives a credit prorated for 10 days, and one of those days is a holiday, the credit will be for all 10 days.

6.  Select a Schedule Type to define the type of proration schedule template.

     If Sliding Scale - Fixed is selected, this schedule type allows setting up a table that defines the proration amount based on the number of extra days used or the number of days not used.

For instance, use this type of proration schedule to charge $200 for up to 30 days of extra use and $650 for 30-60 days of extra use.

     If Sliding Scale - Percentage is selected, this schedule type allows defining percentages to use to calculate the proration amount based on the number of extra days used or the number of days not used.

For instance, use this type of proration to charge 20% of the original amount for the first 30 days of extra use and 50% of the original amount for 30-60 days of extra use.

     If Fixed Amount Per Period is selected, this schedule type allows defining the proration amount (in dollars) per period (such as $10 per night). Complete the following fields as necessary:

Amount Per Period:

Period Type: The Per Day/Night type takes defined holidays into account when calculating the prorated amounts. For the other types, holidays are treated the same as other days.

Number of Days:

Rounding: The Rounding method applies only if the Period Type is Per Week, Per Month, or a Specific # of Days.

     If Average Amount per Day/Night By Total Charge is selected, this schedule type is used for periodic and installment billing. It means that the proration amount per night is the average nightly cost during the contract (calculated from the total contract assessment amount and the duration of the contract).

If this option is selected, complete the Proration Reasons and Blackout Dates settings refer to the (steps 7 and 8).

     If Average Amount per Day/Night By Installment is selected, this schedule type is used only for monthly and installment billing. It means that the proration amount per night is based on the average nightly (installment) cost during the installment (contract)

If this option is selected, complete the Proration Reasons and Blackout Dates settings refer to the (steps 7 and 8).

7.  In the Proration Reasons section, indicate the conditions (reasons) under which to apply the proration schedule. By default all check boxes except Early Start and Late End are checked.

Note: Proration reasons with an asterisk (*) can have a corresponding Blackout Date.

     Early Start

     Late Start*

     Late Start (room change)*

     Early End (room change)*

     Early End*

     Late End

8.  In the Blackout Dates section, indicate a period of time that should be skipped during proration calculation. For example, an institution may not want to prorate the first week of a term.

     Up to (for Late Start)

     Up to (for Late Start (change))

     Start (for Early End)

     Start (for Early End (room change))

Blackout Dates are available for the following proration types:

     Fixed Amount per Period

     Average Amount per Day/Night By Total Charge

     Average Amount per Day/Night By Installments