View Usage Summary for an Asset Type

Use the following procedure to the view the usage summary for an asset type:

1.  From the Inventory section of the Facilities menu, select Asset Types. The List of Asset Types grid is displayed.

2.  If necessary, search for an asset type.

3.  Click View Usage Summary next to an asset type.

4.  If necessary, select a date in the Show Usage On field and click View to display usage statistics for the selected date. By default, the correct date will be displayed.

The following statistics will be displayed for the asset type:

     Quantity on Hand - The total quantity on hand as entered on the General tab.

     # In Use as Room Inventory - The number of items in this asset type that are used only for room inventory. These items are not on patron contracts.

     # In Use as Patron Contract - The number of items allocated to patrons through contract items.

     Total # in Use - The total number of items used as room inventory and items on patron contracts.