View a Task's History

The Task History option allows users to view logged data for each time a task process was run.

For each entry, details can be viewed about the data changed during the task process. For example, for the Process Contract Items task, viewing history details for the task displays each patron who had a contract item processed when the task was run.

Task History Grid Overview

The following table lists information about the columns and options that appear in the Task History grid in the History option on the Tasks page.



Task Name

The name of the task

Start Date

Date and time the task began processing.

End Date

Date and time the task finished processing.

Scheduled Date

Date and time the task was scheduled to begin processing.

Is Preview

If checked, this indicates the task item was processed in preview mode and was not saved in the system.

# Failed

Number of patrons with items in the task that failed to be processed.

# Changed

Number of patrons with items in the task that were successfully processed.

# Unprocessed

Number of patrons with items in the task that were not processed. This includes suspended patrons.

Error Message

Error message in the event of a task failure.



Select Task History

Click Select Task History to view details for a task history row in the Messages For grid.

Messages For Grid Overview

The following table lists information about the columns and options that appear in the Messages For grid in the History option on the Tasks page.



Message Date

Date and time the message was created.

Task Message

Message text indicating reason for task item error.


Indicates if an error occurred when processing the item.



Go to Patron

Click the Go to Patron icon to display the profile of the patron associated with the processed item, if applicable.

Go to Facility

Click the Go to Facility icon display the facility associated with the processed item, if applicable.

View a Task’s History

Use the following procedure to view the Task History grid in the History option on the Tasks page:

1.  Select Tasks from the Tasks section of the Setup menu. The Tasks page is displayed.

2.  If necessary, filter the List of Tasks grid.

3.  Click Task History next to the desired task. The Task History grid is displayed.

4.  In the From and To fields, enter or select the date range of the task history to be displayed. By default, the Task History grid displays any entries from the last day

5.  Click View. The search results are displayed in the Task History grid.

Alternatively, click the View drop-down menu and select one of the following options:

     Range - Displays all entries within the defined date range (selected by default).

     All - Displays all entries available

     Last Day - Displays any entries which have occurred in the last 24 hours.

     Last Week - Displays any entries which have occurred in the last week.

     Last Month - Displays any entries which have occurred in the last month.

     Last Year - Displays any entries which have occurred in the last year.

6.  In the Task History grid, each row represents each time the task was run. If necessary, click Select Task History to view more details about the task history row.

View Details for a Task History Row

Use the following procedure to view details for an entry in the Task History grid:

1.  Click Select Task History next to a row to view more details about that particular task process. Results will be displayed in the Messages For grid.

2.  Details are displayed for each item processed. If necessary, use the following options to view more details about the item:

     Click Go to Patron to display the profile of the patron associated with the processed item, if applicable.

     Click Go to Facility display the facility associated with the processed item, if applicable.