View a Holiday Schedule

Use the following procedure to view a holiday schedule. When viewing a schedule, holiday items can be added, edited, or deleted.

1.  From the Financial Transactions section of the Setup menu, select Billing > Holidays. The Holidays page is displayed.

2.  If necessary, search for a holiday schedule.

3.  In the List of Holiday Schedules grid, click View Holiday List next to a holiday schedule.

4.  When viewing a holiday schedule, the List of Holiday Items displays all holiday date ranges defined for the holiday schedule.

5.  From the List of Holiday Items, users can search for, add, edit, or delete holiday items.

Search for Holiday Items in a Holiday Schedule

Use the following procedure to search for holiday items:

1.  In the List of Holiday Items grid, click Show Search Criteria.

2.  Enter the Name and/or the Date Range of a holiday item. If any dates within the selected date range match a holiday item, the item will be displayed in the List of Holiday Items grid.

3.  Click Search.

Add Holiday Items to a Holiday Schedule

Use the following procedure to add holiday items:

1.  In the List of Holiday Items grid, click Add New Holiday List Item.

2.  Enter a Name for the holiday item.

3.  Enter or select a Date Range for the holiday item.

4.  Click Save. The Holiday List Item successfully added message is displayed.

Edit Holiday Items in a Holiday Schedule

Use the following procedure to edit holiday items:

1.  In the List of Holiday Items grid, search for a holiday item, if necessary.

2.  Click Edit next to a holiday item.

3.  If necessary, edit the Name for the holiday item.

4.  If necessary, edit the Date Range for the holiday item.

5.  Click Save. The Holiday List Item successfully updated message is displayed.

Delete Holiday Items from a Holiday Schedule

Use the following procedure to delete holiday items:

1.  In the List of Holiday Items grid, search for a holiday item, if necessary.

2.  Click Delete next to a holiday item. A confirmation message is displayed.

3.  Click OK. The Holiday List Item successfully deleted message is displayed.