View a Facility Type

Use the following procedure to view details for a Facility Type:

1.  Select Facility Types from the Setup > Facilities menu. The Facility Types page is displayed.

2.  Search for a Facility Type, if necessary.

3.  From the Facility Types grid, click Edit next to an Facility Type. The following information is available to view:

     Name: The name of the Facility Type. This name is different from the Facility’s Asset Type.

     Space Level: A Yes indicates the Facility Type is used as a Space facility. Spaces allows an institution to associate items with a location. Patrons are not directly assigned to a Space. Instead, they are assigned to a room and linked to a Space for the duration of an assignment

     ID Start Position: Specifies the display position of each Facility Type within the Facility Label displayed in ResCenter. Refer to the following Facility Label Display section for more information.

     ID Length: The total displayed length, in characters, for the Facility Type name. Refer to the following Facility Label Display section for more information.

ID Prefix: The Facility Type pre-fix. For example, for a “Bed” Facility Type, an institution may display “BED:” before the value in the facility label (such as “BED:01”).

If using an ID prefix, it must be accounted for in the ID length. In this example, the Bed’s ID length value must be at least 6 to account for “BED:” and “01”. Refer to the following Facility Label Display section for more information.

     Show: When set to Yes, the Facility Type is available for use in ResCenter.

Facility Label Display

The Facility Type Name, ID Start Position, ID Length, and ID Prefix settings are used to determine how the Facility Label is displayed within ResCenter.

For example, if the typical Facility contains five different Facility Types (Site, Building, Suite, Room, and Bed), here is how each Facility Type could be configured to make up the Facility Label.


ID Start Position

ID Length

ID Prefix





















Using this configuration, a Facility Label may be displayed in the following format:

NORTH   HOWARD               SUITE A   101  BED:01


This example can be visualized using the following character spacing:


Site    Building             Suite     Room Bed

NORTH   HOWARD               SUITE A   101  BED:01