Using Advanced Find to Compare Field Values

Advanced Find can be used to compare fields. For example:

     Compare Facility.RoomType to Patron.RequestedRoomType to determine if patrons got the rooms they wanted.

     Compare Patron.ThisYearHallPref to Patron.LastYearHallPref to form a list of patrons who requested the same hall the previous year.

Only fields of the same data type can be compared. If a user adds criteria that compares two fields that are not the same data type (such as a string and a numeric attribute), the Add button will be disabled.

The operators is one of and is not one of are not available for field-to-field comparisons. Field-to-field comparisons can only be made using simple operators, which include equal to (=), greater than (>), and less than (<). For string comparisons, starts with and contains can be used. There are no substring functions to compare parts of one field to another.