Update Contract Dates

The Update Contract Dates task is used to change the Expected and Actual Start and End dates for contract items. This task could be used when a group of patrons is moving out of an assigned facility (i.e. the contracts’ Actual End Date can be updated to reflect the move out date).

Update Contract Dates Considerations

     It is important to select the Change Contracts In Use At date. This option defines which contract items or assignments are changed. The selected date must fall between the contract items’ Start and End dates.

     When deciding how often to run this task, consider how often contract items will change for the institution. If contract items change frequently, the task could be scheduled to run nightly in order to process the changes.

Update Contract Dates Settings

The Update Contract Dates task contains the following settings:

Contract Details

     Patron Selection: Select one of the following options to provide a list of patrons for the Update Contract Dates task process:

Remote File Path: Enter the full directory path and file name (including extension) in the available field. For example:


The imported file can be an ID List or a simple text file with only one record per line. The file must be stored on the ResCenter server. It is not possible to import the file from a local workstation.

Notes: If a file path is defined for a scheduled task, the path is referenced each time the task runs. If the file’s data is updated (either manually edited or overwritten), the updated data will be used the next time the task is processed.

When creating or editing a task, ResCenter only verifies that the Remote File Path field is populated—not that the file exists—allowing a user to schedule a future task with a file that will be added later. If the file does not exist when the task runs, an error will be recorded in the Task History, and a failure email will be sent (if the task is configured with an email address).

Advanced Find: Click the Advanced Find button to use the Patron Advanced Find function to search for and select patrons to process with this task.

Note: When configuring an Advanced Find filter, the Max items to return field is set to 1,000, by default. CBORD recommends users increase this value if there’s a possibility that more than 1,000 patrons could be returned for this task.

     Asset Group and Asset Type: Select the contracts’ Asset Group, and then select the contracts’ Asset Type. Any applicable contract based on this Asset Type will have dates updated.

     Change Contracts That Are: Select a contract state by which to filter the contracts.

Contract Dates

     Change Contracts In Use At: Select the second radio option and specify the Selected Date to select the items to process. The “In Use” date must fall within the contracts’ Start and End dates.

Alternatively, leave the Change Contracts In Use At option set to Run Task Date and the task will change contract dates for contracts “In Use” at the time the task is run.

     Select Term: If necessary, select a term from the drop-down menu to populate the Expected Start Date and Expected End Date fields with the term’s start and end dates.

     Expected Start Date: If necessary, select the Expected Start Date and time for a contract. Each contract will be changed to use this defined date and time for the Expected Start Date.

     Expected End Date: If necessary, select the Expected End Date and time for a contract. Each contract will be changed to use this defined date and time for the Expected End Date.

     Clear Actual Start Date: If necessary, use this option to remove the Actual Start Date from a contract.

Actual Start Date: Alternatively, select the Actual Start Date and time for a contract. Each contract will be changed to use this defined date for the Actual Start Date.

     Clear Actual End Date: If necessary, use this option to remove the Actual End Date from a contract.

Actual End Date: Alternatively, select the Actual End Date and time for a contract. Each contract will be changed to use this defined date for the Actual End Date.

     Grace Period Before Start (Hours): If necessary, enter or select the number of allowed grace period hours before the contract begins.

Grace Period Before End (Hours): If necessary, enter or select the number of allowed grace period hours after the contract ends.

Grace periods can be used to enable overlapping contracts and are useful for allowing door access into a facility.

Note: Grace Periods only apply to assignment contracts. Non-assignment contracts are not affected.