Search for a Linked Image

Use the following procedure to search for a linked image from the Location Images page:

1.  Select Location Images from the Web section of the Setup menu

2.  Click Show Search Criteria. The Search Criteria fields are displayed.

3.  Enter search criteria in the fields provided.

     Image type: Select the appropriate image type from the drop-down list.

     Image name: Select the name of an image.

     Location: Click the Lookup link and select the facility location from the location tree. If necessary, change the date and click Submit.

Alternatively, enter a search phrase and click Lookup. The results will display all locations that match the search phrase. Click Clear to remove the search phrase.

To select a location, click on the location name.

     Room type: Select a room type from the drop-down list.

4.  Click Search. The linked images that meet your search criteria display in the List of Linked Images grid.

Note:  To remove the search criteria, click Clear.