Search for a Charge Schedule

Use the following procedure to search for a charge schedule:

1.  From the Financial Transactions section of the Setup menu, select Billing > Charge/Proration Schedules. The Charge Schedules page is displayed.

2.  Click Show Search Criteria.

3.  In the Search Criteria fields, enter any or all of the following information:

     Name: Enter the name of a charge schedule.

     Asset Type: Select the asset type associated with a charge schedule.

     Schedule Type: Select the schedule type associated with a charge schedule.

     Term: Select the term associated with a charge schedule.

     Active: Select one of the following options from the drop-down menu.

Select All to search for both active and inactive charge schedules.

Select Active to only search for active charge schedules.

Select Not Active to only search for inactive charge schedules.

4.  Click Search. Search results will be displayed in the List of Charge Schedules grid.