Run Report

Before running a report, verify that the report configuration setup and the categories have been created. Use the following procedure to run a report:

1.  Select Run Reports from the Reporting menu. The Run Report - Select page is displayed.

2.  Search for the report you want to run.

3.  Click Select next to the appropriate report. The Report Parameters page is displayed.

4.  Enter the appropriate information in the fields provided.

     Output format: Select an output format (PDF, HTML, or CSV).

     Selection criteria: The selection criteria will vary depending on the report. See a specific report for information on the selection criteria.

Note: If the report parameters are not specified, all of the report information appears in the report.

5.  Click Run. The report is generated and opens in the selected format. You can print or save the report.

6.  Click Cancel to return to the Run Report - Select page.