Process an Application Refund

When a patron application is cancelled, a ResCenter user can attempt to refund the application payment. When a refund is initiated via the patron’s Application tab, financial transactions are generated using the application definition’s properties and other configurable options.

Application Refund Guidelines

An application deposit refund can only be processed for an application with an application definition that includes defined Cancellation Refund Amount, Refund Transaction Code, and Cancellation Deadline values.

When attempting to refund an application payment, ResCenter will use the following guidelines: 

     If the Cancellation Deadline date is set in the application definition and the application is cancelled, a refund will be processed if the cancellation date is before the application’s Cancellation Deadline date. If not, a refund will not be processed.

     If the Cancellation Deadline date is not set in the application definition, and the application is either cancelled or not cancelled, a refund will be processed regardless.

     If the Cancellation Deadline date is set in the application definition but the patron application is not cancelled yet, a refund will be processed regardless.

ResCenter will always calculate the payment amount remaining to be refunded as the difference between the Cancellation Refund Amount and the sum of the amount of the posted transactions linked to the application with the Transaction Code equal to the application definition’s Refund Transaction Code.

Process an Application Refund

Use the following procedure to process an application refund from the Applications tab:

1.  From the Patron menu, select Search for Patron and perform a search for the patron for whom you want to view an application.

2.  From the Patron List grid, click a row to select a patron.

3.  Select the Applications tab.

4.  From the List of Applications grid, click the Payment drop-down to the desired application, and select Payment. The Application Payment page is displayed.

Note: The read-only Required Fee Amount, Required Deposit, and Cancellation Refund fields default to the amounts configured for the application type (defined in Odyssey HMS via Setup > Applications). The read-only Fee Received, Deposit On File, and Refund Paid fields will display fee and deposit amounts paid and any refund amount issued to the patron.

5.  Complete the following fields:

     Term: Select a housing term from the drop-down menu. This field defaults to the housing term linked to the application type.

     Comments: Enter a comment regarding the refund, if necessary.

6.  To run the Financial Transactions Auto Apply process for the patron before a refund is issued, check the Auto Apply First check box. This option is enabled, by default.

7.  Click Save. The refund transactions will be recorded in the patron’s FT tab.