Post a Financial Transaction

When creating a financial transaction (either manually or through the Add Financial Transactions batch function or task), you will determine when to post the transaction. Posted transactions can be voided, but they cannot be changed or deleted. Refer to Void or Reverse a Financial Transaction section for more information about voiding transactions.

A transaction must be posted before it can be incorporated in the following areas in ResCenter:

     Before printing a receipt for the transaction

     Before the transaction is included in an account balance (in Patron > FT or in the FT module)

     Before the transaction is included in any Financial Transaction reports

     Before applying a payment (both payment and charge transactions must be posted)

The following transaction posting options available:

     Immediately: This option posts the transaction immediately when the transaction is saved. Once a transaction is posted, it may not be modified or deleted.

     Specified Date: This option posts the transaction on a specified date, which can include a date in the past.

To post transactions that are set to post on a specified date, run the Post Deferred Transactions task. This task posts unposted transactions that are set to post on either the day a task is run or on an earlier post date. The transaction’s post date is the date that was entered when the transaction was created.

     Unspecified Date: This option does not post the transaction. A transaction may be left unposted if it is not yet complete or if it possibly needs to be corrected at a later time. Once the transaction is ready to be posted, it can be opened and the Post option can be changed to either Immediately or Specified Date.

Posting a Financial Transaction

Use the following procedure to post a patron’s financial transaction:

1.  From the Patron menu, select Search for Patron and perform a search for a patron.

2.  From the Patron List grid, click a row to select a patron.

3.  Select the FT tab. The Accounts grid displays all accounts associated with the patron. Refer to the Accounts Grid Overview for information about each grid column.

4.  To view transactions for an account, check the check box next to the desired account. Multiple accounts can be selected. Alternatively, click the header row check box to view transaction details for all accounts.

5.  If necessary, filter the Financial Transactions grid.

6.  In the Financial Transactions grid, click Edit Transaction next to a transaction, and select Post. A confirmation pop-up will be displayed. Click OK.

7.  Alternatively, click Edit Transaction next to a transaction, and select Edit.

8.  In the Post drop-down menu, select Immediately.

9.  Click Save.