Perform a Batch Room Inspection

The Batch Room Inspection option allows you to mass-complete room inspections. For any scheduled room inspections for which the inventory conditions are the same as the previous inspection, you can process all of the inspections at the same time. The process will set the current condition of each inventory item to the value specified in the previous inspection for that item. For all inventory items that do not have a previous value (for example, an inventory item was added to a template after the last inspection), you can specify a condition.

Use the following procedure to perform a batch room inspection from the Batch Room Inspection page accessed from the Inspections section of the Facilities menu:

1.  Click the Lookup link and select the batch inspection location from the location tree. If necessary, change the date and click Submit. To select a location, click on the location name.

Alternatively, enter a search phrase and click Lookup. The results will display all locations that match the search phrase. Click Clear to remove the search phrase.

The Scheduled Inspection Batches List grid will populate with the selected location’s batch inspection records.

2.  In the Scheduled Inspection Batches List grid, click Batch Inspect next to the location to inspect.

3.  Enter information in the fields provided.

     *Inspection date: Enter the date of the inspection. This field defaults to the current date.

     *Inspected by: This field defaults to the logged in user. To specify a different person, enter the full name of the person who is performing the batch room inspection or enter at least one letter of the last name or first name, click Lookup, and then select the appropriate person.

     Comments: Enter any comments regarding the batch room inspection.

4.  Specify which locations to include in the batch room inspection.

     Select one or more locations in the Locations scheduled for inspection list and click Add > to select those locations for inspection (use the [Ctrl] key to select multiple locations).

     Click Add All >> to select all of the locations in the Locations scheduled for inspection list for inspection.

     Use < Remove and << Remove All to remove locations from the Locations selected for inspection list.

5.  Click Perform Inspections. The Room Inspection successfully added message is displayed.