Patron Advanced Find: Financial Transaction Journal Fields

Patron Advanced Find uses dates differently when using the FT Journal fields in a find expression. Because financial transactions have several dates associated with them, additional statements must be added to a find expression to find transactions by date. FT Journal fields ignore the Find From: and Find To: dates at the bottom of the Advanced Find window. 

For example: To find all transactions that were posted in June 2021, add the following statements to the find expression:

      PatronFTJournal.Transaction Post Date >= 6/1/2021

      PatronFTJournal.Transaction Post Date <= 6/30/2021

Or, to find transactions that were posted on one day, add the following statement, substituting the date you’re using to search:

      PatronFTJournal.Transaction Post Date = 6/30/2021

Note: If a financial transaction field is used as a column in the find results, the find will only list patrons with financial transactions. In order to limit the transactions that are listed in the results to a particular date range, the same type of statement should be used in the find expression as in the examples above.