Patron Advanced Find: Facility Fields

In Advanced Find, facility, facility address, and facility parent fields are ones that describe the facility the patron is assigned to during the date range you enter. When using facility, facility address, or facility parent fields in the find, Advanced Find will only display patrons with assignments in the facility that overlap the find date range. Those assignments must be in preliminary, active, suspended, completed, or terminated states, or states that affect inventory availability. Patrons who have only assignments in expired or canceled states will not be included in the results.

If a facility field is displayed as a column in the find results, (regardless of whether a facility field in used in the find expression), then the find will only display patrons who have assignments in preliminary, active, suspended, completed, or terminated states within the find date range. If using a facility parent, facility address, or facility all field as a column in the find results, the find displays patrons whether or not they have an assignment.

If facility attribute field is displayed as a column in the find results, then the find returns the attribute value in place at the start date of the search. This prevents a user from receiving multiple rows if the facility's attribute changed during the find date range. Multiple rows will display for a patron in the find results if the patron has multiple assignments during the date range. Each assignment will be listed on a separate row.