Patron Advanced Find: Attribute and Preference Fields

Patron Advanced Find will include a patron if any attribute or preference value specified in the find expression matches at any point within the find date range.

For Example: To find all patrons who are freshmen during the date range, specify Patron.Class = Freshmen.

This will return all patrons who are freshmen during the date range, even if a patron becomes a sophomore during that range. To find patrons who have no Class value during the date range, specify Patron.Class = [None]. To find patrons who have at least one Class value during the date range, specify Patron.Class not= [None]. The [None] value is used to find fields that contain no values for the entire find date range.

When a patron attribute or preference is displayed as a column in the find results, then the find only returns the attribute or preference value in place at the start date of the search. This prevents a user from receiving multiple rows if the patron's attribute or preference changed during the find date range. Blanks may display in the find results if a field contains no value.