Link an Image to a Location

Use the following procedure to link an image to a location from the Location Images page accessed via Location Images in the Web section of the Setup menu:

1.  Select Location Images from the Web section of the Setup menu.

2.  From the List of Facility Image Links grid, click Add. The Link Image to Locations window displays.

3.  Step 1 of 3 - Select an Image: Select the following options and click Next >.

     Image type: Select an image type from the drop-down list.

     Image: Select an image from the drop-down list.

4.  Step 2 of 3 - Select Location: Select the following options and click Next >.

     Select a Location: Click the Lookup link and select the facility location from the location tree. If necessary, change the date and click Submit. To select a location, click on the location name.

Alternatively, enter a search phrase and click Lookup. The results will display all locations that match the search phrase. Click Clear to remove the search phrase.

Note: If a facility type is selected, then the location will be linked to the selected image only if the facility type matches the selected facility type value. (For example, if location was set to Building A and facility type was set to Room, then only Rooms will be selected.)

     Link to child facilities of this location: Select this option to enable child facilities.

     Child facilities to location: Select the following options and click Next >.

Select a facility type: Select an image type from the drop-down list.

Select a room type: Select a room type from the drop-down list.

5.  Step 3 of 3 - Process the Link: Review the linked image details and click Finish.