Internet Explorer

If you use Microsoft® Windows® Internet Explorer and are getting blocked from downloading information in ResCenter (for example, when exporting reserved rooms), use the following procedure to resolve the issue:

1.  In Internet Explorer, select Internet Options from the Tools menu. The Internet Options screen is displayed.

2.  On the Security tab, click Trusted sites in the Select a zone to view or change security settings section of the tab and then click the Sites button. The Trusted sites screen is displayed.

3.  In the Add this website to the zone field, enter your site's address for ResCenter (for example, If the address does not include https, make sure the Require server verification (https:) for all sites in this zone check box is cleared (unchecked).

4.  Click Close. On the Security tab, click the Custom level... button. The Security Settings - Trusted Sites Zone screen is displayed.

5.  Under the Downloads section of the list of settings, select Enable for the Automatic prompting for file downloads and the File download options.

6.  Click OK.