Holiday Check-In

Residents assigned to a room may need to leave for holidays and breaks. Use the Check-In option to track when residents return to campus after the holidays:

1.  From the Patron menu, select Check-In/Out > Check-In. The Check-In page is displayed.

2.  Select the appropriate term from the Term drop-down list. Terms are sorted by the start date of the term in descending order (most recent term first).

3.  Select the Holiday check box.

4.  Select an option for identifying the resident from the drop-down list (Find By Last, First, Middle, Find By ID, or Find By Alternate ID). Enter all or partial search information in the text field and click Lookup. If the results include multiple residents, select the appropriate resident name from the pop-up window.

Note: If a match is not found for an ID or name search, No items were found will be displayed in the pop-up window. Click Cancel to close the pop-up window.

Alternatively, swipe a patron’s card using a compatible card reader.

5.  If the resident is in the database, the following information may be displayed:

     ID and name

     Photo, if available

     Checked in date, if the resident is checked in

     Checked out date, if the resident was checked out

     Location and occupancy dates, if they are assigned for the selected term

     Other attributes, if defined by the system administrator

Note: The following message will be displayed when a resident with a suspended account is selected for check-in: No processing is allowed on this account. The account is suspended.

If a resident has a note flagged as an alert, the alert will be displayed at the top of the page. If the alert is long, only the first line will be displayed followed by a Show More link that will expand the alert to its full length.

6.  If the resident selected is a proxy for another resident, both resident names will be listed in a Select the resident checking in drop-down list (the field appears only if the resident selected is a proxy for another resident). The field defaults to the patron selected I the Lookup field. If the resident is checking in for a person for whom he/she has proxy, that person’s information will be displayed when the person is selected from the drop-down list. Select the resident you want to check in from the drop-down list.

7.  If the resident has been assigned a room, the Continue button will be enabled. Click Continue. The check-in attributes will be displayed (for example, Keys Issued, Mailbox Issued, Documents Issued).

Note: Additional check boxes for tracking check-in processes will be displayed if your administrator has configured additional resident information to be tracked through attribute flags. If additional resident information has not been configured to be tracked, the Holiday Check-In button will be displayed instead of the Continue button.

8.  Select the check box next to the check-in items that have been completed.

9.  Click Holiday Check-In. The Holiday Check-In processed successfully message is displayed. The built-in core patron attribute Checked In/Out will be set to Checked In with the current date and time.

What Gets Updated

After checking in a resident, following areas are updated in ResCenter or Odyssey HMS:

     The Checked In/Out core attribute is set to Checked In.

     In the List of Patron Contracts grid on the patron’s Contracts tab, if the Check In/Out updates Patron Contract System Parameter is set to Yes, the related contract’s Status will be set to Active, and the Actual Start date will be set to the date of check-in. The Check In Date Time will be set to the date and time of check-in.

     If a proxy checked in for a resident, the following information is displayed on the Proxy tab in the Odyssey HMS Patron module:

Date: Date/time when the check-in occurred.

Action: Set to Holiday Check-in.

Proxy Name: Name of the proxy.

Proxy ID: ID number of the proxy.

Proxy Alternate ID: Alternate ID of the proxy.

Contract Name: Patron's contract that the proxy checked in.

     If you check in a person who has already been checked in, no update is made to the Checked In/Out core attribute or the Contract Checked In Date value. However, if check-in attributes are defined, these values can be updated.