Form Example

The following set of images is an example of how an institution might use a Form as an application to gather a patron’s general information, housing facility preferences, and any additionally preferences.

The Application Form Example in ResCenter section displays how the form is configured in ResCenter, and the Application Form Example in the GET Mobile App section shows how the same form is displayed in the GET mobile app.

Application Form Example in ResCenter

The following image shows a form’s configuration controls. Refer to the individual sections for more information about each control.


At the top of the screen, there are patron attributes selected and added to the form. For each attribute, a format is selected.

Form Content (Section 1)

Under the attribute selection, the main form’s content is added. To the right, there is a function menu that allows adding Facility Preferences, Headers, Paragraphs, and New Page breaks.

In the form content area, the first section is a Paragraph function, dragged in from the function menu. This was added to give general info to the patron. After the Paragraph, a Header was added to indicate this is the Student Information section. After the Student Information Header, several attributes have been added to solicit general information from the patron.

Form Content (Section 2)

This section is a continuation of the first section. However, it begins on a new page. To accomplish this, the New Page function was dragged over, and another Header was added to indicate “Student Information (continued)”.

Form Content – Housing Preferences  (Section 3)

This section was created by adding a New Page, Header, and the Facility Preferences function. For the Facilities Preferences function, in Edit mode, instructional text was added, the available facilities were selected, and a value was set to define the number of facilities that patrons should rank.

Form Content (Section 4)

Finally, the last section of the form features additional attributes. Once again, a New Page and Header were dragged in to this section.


Application Form Example in the GET Mobile App

The following set of images shows what a Form could look like in the GET mobile app when configured as an application in ResCenter. After a patron submits an application, the application's basic details can be viewed in the Applications tab of the patron's profile in ResCenter.

Refer to the Application Form Example in ResCenter section (above) to see how this form is configured in ResCenter.

Form Selection

When viewing the Housing Dashboard in the GET mobile app, the Applications section displays all available applications. Clicking on the 2021 Housing Application – Spring entry displays the full application to the patron.

Form Content (Section 1)

On the first page of the application, the patron is presented with the name of the application, some helpful text, and general information fields to be completed.

Note that at any point in the Forms process, a patron can select Save to save the application and return to it at a later point.

Form Content (Section 2)

The second page features more general information fields.

Form Content – Facility Preferences (Section 3)

The third page displays the Facility Preferences function. A patron uses this function to move facilities up or down to select a “top 5” list of desired housing facilities.

Facility Preferences selection in action:

<!-- Movie in HTML5 Format --><video controls="controls" title="Facility Preferences"><source type="video/mp4" src="../Media/FacilityPref.mp4" />Your browser does not support the video tag.</video>

Form Content (Section 4)

The last page features a few more fields to be completed. Once finished with the form, the patron clicks Submit to complete the application process.