Financial Transactions Grid Overview

The following table lists information about the columns and options that appear in the Financial Transactions grid under the FT tab on the Patron page.



Transaction ID

The unique transaction ID number assigned to the transaction.

Account Name

The transaction's account, such as the Payment or Housing account.

Transaction Code

The account's transaction code, such as the Payment or Transfer Out transaction code.


The amount of the transaction.


A check indicates the transaction has been applied, even if partially applied.

Amount Applied

The amount currently applied for the transaction.

Transaction Type

The type of transaction. The following values are possible:



     Credit Memo (Deposit, Payment, or Regular)

     Debit Memo (Deposit, Payment, or Regular)

     Transfer In (Deposit, Payment, or Regular)

     Transfer Out (Deposit, Payment, or Regular)

Post Date

The date the transaction was posted.


Post status (either Posted, Unposted, or Applied)

Housing Term

The housing term associated with the financial transaction.


A check indicates the transaction has been posted.

Void Status

The following Void Statues are available:

     Voided – Indicates the transaction has been voided

     Reversal – Indicates the transaction is an opposite transaction associated with a void

     Error –Indicates there’s an error for the void. For example: Voiding an unposted transaction.

Has Notes

A check indicates the transaction has notes.

On Statement

If a statement is created via a batch function in Odyssey HMS, this column indicates the transactions are listed on the statement.



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Click the First Page, Previous Page, Next Page, or Last Page arrows to navigate the pages of the grid.


Click Add to add a new transaction, new payment, new payment with distribution, or new transfer.


Click Export to export the Financial Transactions grid to various file formats.

Filter Options

Click Filter Options to define the columns, sort, and number of rows to display in the grid.

Auto Apply

Click Auto Apply to automatically apply a payment to a charge.


Click View to view a financial transaction.


Click Edit to Copy, Edit, Void, or Post a transaction.