Failed Attendee Imports

If the system fails to import all attendees, the following message will be displayed: Failed to import all attendees. Click link to review log file. Click the link to open the log file to review error messages. The following table provides an explanation of error messages:

Error Message


Conference event not found.

Event name specified on the import list does not exist.

Attendee group [group name] not found.

Attendee group name specified on the import list does not exist.

Attendee ID has already been added to the event.

Attendee ID specified on the import list was already added to the event.

The facility name for the room is valid, but is not reserved for this attendee group [attendee group name].

Room specified on the import list was not reserved for the attendee group found.

The facility name for the room is not valid.

Room specified on the import list is an invalid name.

Multiple facilities found for given name.

Room full name specified on the import list was duplicated.

Unknown failure to create the attendee: [Exception error text].

System failed to create a new patron based on an unknown exception.

Unknown failure to add the attendee to the event: [Exception error text].

System failed to add an attendee to the event due to an unknown exception.

Unknown failure to assign the attendee to the room: [Exception error text].

System failed to assign the room to the attendee due to an unknown exception.

Conference event not found.

Event name specified on the import list does not exist.

Attendee group [group name] not found.

Attendee group name specified on the import list does not exist.