Express Check-Out Setup

When a patron completes an Express Check-out, ResCenter verifies the value of the Express Check-out attribute at the date the Staff Room Inspection is being completed. If the value is Yes on that date, an Express Check-Out Resident Room Inspection is completed automatically when the Staff Inspection is completed. It is VERY IMPORTANT that an institution create a procedure to ensure this process occurs.

There are two ways to set up the Express Check-Out procedure: 

     Include the Express Check-Out attribute in the Check-out Attribute Group that is used for ResCenter Check-out. (In the General tab of ResCenter, the group is specified under System Parameters)

     Set up an Express Check-Out online application in WebPatron.

Whichever method is chosen depends on when the end of move out Staff Inspection typically occurs. Additionally, if an institution does not use the ResCenter check-out feature, Webpatron is the only option available.

     Staff inspects the room AFTER the student checks out – Use ResCenter Check-out function.

     Staff inspects the room BEFORE the student checks out – Use Webpatron function.