Export Data Using SFTP

The Export Data Using SFTP task is used to send patron-based data from the ResCenter database to another location. For example, if an institution uses a separate application to keep track of patron housing information, then patron housing data (such as room assignment and roommate information) can be transferred to a specified directory, via SFTP, and used in the third-party application.

Export Data Using SFTP Task Considerations

     SFTP settings are configured via Setup > Web > System Parameters.

     The Export Data Using SFTP task will automatically use the SFTP settings to export the data without any additional configuration required when creating the task. Verify that the SFTP settings are configured correctly before scheduling the Export Data Using SFTP task.

     The exported data will be sent via .CSV file format.

Export Data Using SFTP Task Settings

The Export Data Using SFTP task contains the following settings:

     Advanced Find: Use the Advanced Find option to provide a list of patrons for the Export Data Using SFTP task process.

Click the Advanced Find button to use the Patron Advanced Find function to search for and select patrons.

Note: When configuring an Advanced Find filter, the Max items to return field is set to 1,000, by default. CBORD recommends users increase this value if there’s a possibility that more than 1,000 patrons could be returned for this task.

     Selection Criteria: Use the following options to select what data will be sent via STFP for the selected patrons:

In the Filter drop-down menu, select a data category, if necessary.

In the Available field, select one or more record types from the list and click Add. The items will be moved to the Selected field.

If necessary, rearranged the Selected items by selecting an item and clicking Move Up or Move Down. This order determines the order of the data columns in the exported .CSV file.