Event Organization Overview

To access the Organization tab in the Events option, from the Conferences tab, select Events from the Main drop-down menu and then click Select next to the event for which you want to maintain organization information. If an organization has been specified for an event, the organization name, address, contacts, and any notes are displayed on the Organization tab.

The organization within the Events option is referencing the link of the organization to the event. Although you can add a new organization from within the Events option, the Delete option only deletes the link of the organization to the event. If you add an existing organization to an event, changes to any of the organization information will change the information in the database and will be reflected on other events using the same organization. If you want to delete the organization from the database, use the Organizations option accessed from the Main drop-down menu on the Conferences tab (verify that the organization is not linked to any events, past or future).

Note: Contacts of the organization sponsoring an event are unique to the event and organization. If you change the organization by selecting an existing organization or you delete the organization link to the event, you will lose the contact information.