Edit the Category Filter List for Saved Searches

If necessary, the Category Filter drop-down menu list can be rearranged to make categories easier to find. Additionally, categories can be renamed, if necessary.

Use the following procedure to edit the Category Filter list for Saved Searches:

1.  In the Advanced Find screen, click the Saved Searches button. The Saved Searches pop-up screen displays.

2.  Click the Categories button. The Categories list will be displayed.

3.  Click the Edit button next to a category.

     If necessary, edit the Name of the category.

     If necessary, edit the Sort Ordinal of the category. Categories will have a value of 0, by default. The higher the value number, the lower the category will be displayed in the list.

4.  Click Save.

5.  To add a new category, click Add and enter the Name and Sort Ordinal for the category. Click Save.

6.  Click Close to return to the Select Saved Searches screen.