Edit Patrons on a Waiting List

Use the following procedure to edit patrons on a Waiting List:

1.  Select Waiting Lists from the Setup > Facilities menu. The Waiting Lists page is displayed.

2.  Search for a Waiting List, if necessary.

3.  From the Waiting Lists grid, click Manage Patrons next to a Waiting list.

4.  Click Edit next to a patron. The Patron Details screen will be displayed.

5.  Edit the following information, as necessary:

     Patron Name – The patron’s name. This field is not editable.

     Patron ID – The patron’s ID number. This field is not editable.

     Position – The patron’s order on the Waiting List. Edit the patron’s Position, as necessary. If a patron’s Position is moved up, any patrons previously ranked higher will move down one spot. Similarly, moving a patron down in Position will move previously lower-ranked patrons up one spot.

     Date Added – The date and time the patron added themselves to the Waiting List. This field is not editable.

     Status – The patron’s status on the Waiting List. Statuses are defined in Odyssey HMS.

     Facility Selection – For Facility Waiting Lists – Indicates the facility selected, if required. This field is not editable.

     Attribute Value - For Attribute Value Waiting Lists – Indicates the attribute selected, if required. This field is not editable.

     Notes – Notes about the patron regarding the Waiting List.

     Offer Expiration Date/Time – The date and time the offer will no longer be available for the patron to accept.

     Assignment Offer – The specific Assignment-level facility offered to the patron.

     Non-Assignment Asset Type Offer – The specific non-Assignment Asset Type offered to the patron.

6.  Click Save.